I agree with getting rid of the mag. block. All I ever managed to get to work on it in a breeze was the striker, lol. The lighter is ok to carry, but if it gets wet, it's useless. Replace the magnesium with a metal match, keep the lighter and like Chris recommends, have some strike anywhere matches someplace in your system. I carry 5 types of tender (pitchwitch, trioxane, Esbit solid fuel tab, spark-lite tender and I always carry a tin of cotton wool and char cloth with me)and 5 types of ignition (spark-lite, strike anywhere matches, storm matches, lighter, metal match w/steel) . The strike anywheres are in a film canister and have a big bright label that says matches, just in case, lol. I also carry backups so in all I have up to 8 fire kits in my various kits which combine to make up my main kit. Redundant no doubt, but I know that I'll be able to start a fire one way or another, lol.