Just about any show has to reflect the times they're produced in to have a half-decent shot at being taken seriously much less a have an inkling of hope of success. Battlestar Galactica is a good example of a show that was given an overhaul to be current and has done so successfully.
At first I thought it was a horrible idea, and I absolutely hated the new series' pilot. However, the series itself is a solid, well written show with stories and characters that have more depth and dimension than the original. Granted, many of the storylines are taken directly from the original, but they've been expounded upon greatly.
There's a 25 year difference in the two Battlestar series.
I was a big fan of the original Battlestar Galactica when it aired, but I was 8 at the time and the campiness, which would have bothered me now, passed by pretty much unnoticed both because I was young and that's the way many TV shows were then. Now, when I catch the old show on the Sci-Fi channel I can only watch a few minutes at most before the cringe-worthiness of it all makes me want to change the channel. I'm guessing nostalgia is just about the only reason I make it those few minutes.
I can understand your point regarding cynicism in the new Galactica, but the storylines are more serialized than they were in the late 70's when the show only ran a two-parter once or twice in its September 78 through April 79 run. Also, it's more of a soap-opera now, or as I like to call it a "Soap-on-a-Rope-Opera".

That's just my opinion. As always, I could be wrong.
Regarding The Sarah Connor Chronicles, it has only been 4 years since Terminator 3 and it may be too soon. However, I can't really picture who was in that movie except for Aaaaanold and Claire Danes. Having said that, it will be weird to se anyone other than Linda Hamilton playing Sarah Connor.
On an interesting sidenote, when I saw T3 in '03 I thought it felt out-of-touch and much like a throwback to the 80's that didn't know it was a throwback. So, I didn't like it as much as many of my friends. Then again I can watch the original Terminator, which was actually made in the 80's (1984), can still enjoy it because it was before "The Catch Phrase" years, and it still feels relatively current though 23 years old.
Taste... It's a weird thing... I mean I like zombie movies... Even most of the horrible ones. LOL