I'm currently getting opinions and research on Chlorine Dioxide aka "aqua mira" aka aerobic oxygen. I figure I'd throw the question out here too. <br><br>Can anyone tell me how this product will kill anaerobic bacteria, protazoan, or viruses? I read somewhere that it kills some viruses by decomposing the viral capsid proteins? Honestly, I can't even tell ya the difference between mitosis and meiosis. That's why I figured I'd throw it out here. Maybe someone can tell me in laymans terms how this product works or doesn't. Or why I should risk my life with it? <br><br>Anyone care to offer suggestions, opinions, anything.<br><br>I read thru the archives and only found simlliar questions from Ayerstg.<br><br>btw, this is the only "official" page I've found on it, and it mostly references studies from the 40's and CLO2 in industrial applications.<br><br>(Warning for those on dialup, it's a 40 page pdf doc from the epa and reads like a chemistry book)<br><br>http://www.epa.gov/ogwdw000/mdbp/pdf/alter/chapt_4.pdf