Furbies Spy story can be found here

As for the santa thing, that was a comedy skit. You know, comedy, this thing done to be funny, haha, not serious.

I'm not really aware of the comedy sketch you are referring to although I have a very vague memory it was on the Saturday Night Live many years ago in the Eighties. (please correct me if I'm Wrong)

No I'm referring to 'Major' Edward A. Dames and to Major General Albert Stubblebines operation out of Ft Meade in the late 1970's for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) (Project Stargate) who had direct access to the United States Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff . This is when the Team B operation, which was setup by the the then CIA director George HW Bush to analyze the Soviet offensive and Defense capabilities was also on the go. Some of the Team B analysts conclusions pushed for the development of a policy of a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the Soviet Union. If you wiki Team B, you can see some of the folks names who participated. Thankfully the Team B methods and operational techniques for the collection of military intelligence were exposed for what they were. The men that stared at goats were exposed also. Nuclear Armageddon was averted. Apparently Major General Stubblebine was apparently "confounded by his continual failure to walk through his wall." being a Jedi Warrior in the First Earth Battalion. The men who stare at goats Oh, BTW those folks on Team B and those who had faith in Team B's conclusions never really went away.

There are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we do not know we don't know. crazy

'But there are also unknown unknowns' - theres the rub. Maybe Santa Claus and Rudolph the red nosed reindeer does exist in mind of those folks especially if those folks are willing to just have the faith in someone else's psychic abilities, especially if that psychic information comes out of the military intelligence community!!!




Edited by bentirran (05/10/07 10:07 PM)