There are numerous ways to start fires without matches. I try to carry enough dry tinder to catch a spark and start small twigs. Once the twigs are going, I can dry out enough wood to get a blaze going.<br><br>I collect what I was taught was called "sqaw wood". Dead branches still on trees. Since they are still on the tree, they are not rotted and the wind drys them even when it is raining. Stuff up to about the size of your wrist can be easily broken off and used immedately. Once you get your twigs and pencil sized wood burning, you can add wrist sized overtop even it if is wet. The fire will dry out the larger wood which will then burn. It will tend to be a smoky fire with lots of sizzling and popping. Once you have a fire going, stack your wet firewood around the ring of fire. The heat will dry out the wet wood so it will be ready to throw on.<br><br>