Heavy duty aluminium foil is necessary to make a cooking vessel which you can heat over the fire.<br>Plain old aluminum foil is way too thin to hold the weigth of whatever you may want to cook.<br>I'm not sure of any significant thickness between the diff brands of HD alu foil, so I think they should all be OK, but you will notice a significant difference in thickness between plain old foil and the HD version.<br><br>As to whether it will make any difference in a PSK - YES! I suggest you try making a cooking vessel out of plain old foil ( you can double over the foil to make it thicker) and make one out of HD foil. Put the same amount of water in each and try boiling both vessels over a candle (don't do it over the stove in case the water leaks out). Once you notice the difference in properties I'm pretty sure you will pack as much of the HD version into your kit....