I agree with many of the posters here that having the obnoxious brights in case of emergency is good but I'd rather not be wearing it all the time. Last year I was on a fun bushwack with an outdated topo to do some exploring. I planned to end my trip by picking up on a "dirt road" up in the mountain and walking it down to the main road and back to my car.
When I finally arrived some hours later, I realized it was a private road with no trespassing signs. It was too late to turn back the way I came, so I figured I'd just make my way down. I started passing some freaky "shacks" and "tent sites", like the homes of mountain people or something. Any way, I turned a corner on the winding road and saw a huge pitbull eyeing me a few hundred yards ahead at what appeared to be a driveway. to make a long story short, I was quite happy to be able to duck into the woods and make my way down back in the woods without being seen!