Well, that guy basically claims he can teach you to survive in any environment without any tools at all. He doesn't even allow a pocket knife in his class. Everything is supposed to be improvised on the spot, though from what I've heard it doesn't work all that well. Especially as the "expert" doesn't give much practical advice but just "motivates" the students with tough talk and bravado instead. Which I imagine could be quite funny as although he doesn't allow his students to bring along any gear, food or water he himself is always well supplied with everything. Nor does he actively take part in any of the activities. He does not even demonstrate most of the techniques he teaches, he just tells the students what to do and pontificates on their errors.

He also likes to split his classes in groups and endorses fierce competition between them. In the sense of having them do various tasks and the group that does worst (takes last place) is always punished in some way. He has the losers do stuff like pushups in deep mud or not allowing them any water for the rest of the day etc. I've heard this kind of competition leads to serious conflicts, especially as his classes take a week and pressure really builds up between the participants eventually.

Having talked to the guy and observed his class briefly I must say I've not been impressed by the quality of instruction. He seemed the kind of guy who talks the talk but has never really walked the walk. The classes are very hard on the students, unnecessarily so. By the end of the week most are in a seriously bad shape. I'm not sure they pick up many useful skills either. It all looked more like some kind of a perverse "hell week", the only real purpose of which is to boost the instructor's ego.