I make char cloth, using a an airtight can, (any clean, large, can, with removable lid). Punch a hole with a large nail, put in 100% cotton 2x2 inch squares, loosly! If you pack too many squares in the can, they can't char properly. Set the can in the coals of a decent fire, after it dies down,(no flames). Smoke, and sometimes a jet of <br>flame, will escape from the hole in the lid. After all the smoke, and jet of flame quits coming out, PLUG the hole<br>with a small stick. This cuts off the oxygen, and keeps the cloth from burning up! Remove the can from the fire,<br>and let cool off. The char cloth is now ready to catch you spark from your flint and steel. If properly made, it<br>will glow hot enough to ignight your dry, fluffy, tinder. TIP, use 100% cotton squares, from waffle weave, long<br>johns, (real cheap at Wally World). It catches the spark from the flint and steel better,(nooks and crannys)! <br>I hope this will keep your fires bright, and your spirits warm!<br><br> Your most humble and obedieny servant<br> The Longhunter<br> <br><br>