Two points here

# 1 : Having several BOBs is expensive.
Not really.

Some people already have several multi-tools/SAKs and dont know what to do with all of these. You can give some away to your son/daughter, but I believe spreading them in cached kits is another good way to beat the odds. Same for used clothes, flashlights ..etc. Itemize the extra stuff you have, buy a few inexpensive items (like candles, dust masks..etc.) and make 2 or 3 more BOBs.

# 2 : Car BOB is always nearby.
Well, not always.

A few months ago, we had business visitors. I was asked by boss to go with some colleagues to a nearby hotel for seminars and meetings. I went with my colleagues in their car since the hotel was only 2 miles away. But when we arrived, we found out we got the wrong hotel name and the actual meeting/workshop was in another hotel 20 miles away. I had no choice but go with them

That day I was 20 miles away from my car BOB !!

Theoretically , your car BOB is always with you but you may be seperated from your car when it is least expected , and if Murphy is right, that is when you may need it.

Re: being paranoid. I dont think I am paranoid for having several BOBs, because I dont panic when it doesnt work. Rather I keep trying (and have lots of fun) filling the the holes in the prapredness plan. I look at it this way. Many members here keep buying knives , flashlights and other gadgets. Some of these end up in some drawers or sold. Instead of piling them in drawers or selling the extra ones, I use them (and other stuff that piles at home like birthday candles ..etc.) to make more BOBs, and then think of where I can pre-position them safely.

I have even made "disposable kits" using inexpensive knives, some plasticware, motel-size hygeine items ..etc. and put them in far away areas where I may or may not revisit on business/field trips.

I am a CACHE guy and it is great. I urge everyone to do the same. If you do fishing, hunting, or backpacking, try it around the area you frequently camp around.

Its fun, and it boosts the odds of your survival.