Howdy gang,
I respect y'all's opinions (even the ones I don't agree with).
After much internal debate (usually the only debate which I can win) and reading some posts elswhere, I decided start wearing a shemagh while I'm "playing" in my yard (mowing, etc).
Plan to use it as well when I'm out in the woods to keep the critters from buzzing in my ears.
I love it! It's so much more comfortable than using the bandanas I used to use, and when I'm mowing using the shemagh rather than the dustmask is a lot more comfortable as well.
I wear a baseball cap on top of it to shade my face a bit more as well.
Question #1: Does anyone else have or use a shemagh?
#2 Where / When do you use it?
#3 Anyone given you any grief about it?
#4 For our Mid East Vets, would seeing someone in their yard with one give you the creeps?
I've gotten a couple of weird looks from folks driving by but no one's shot at me yet.
It makes sense to me but at the same time some folks have got some strong feelings about the mid east area, and I don't want my odd-ball, defiant streak to lead me to cause any additional emotional distress to someone who's been there or has buried their son/daughter killed over there.
Edited by samhain (05/02/07 01:11 AM)
samhain autumnwood