I was reading the "Survival of the mind" thread and kinda wanted to piggy back off that issue. I have read in several survival books (J. Wayne Fears comes to mind) that most people today are never really "Alone", and in sever cases can panic really bad once they sence they are alone.
Now I have hunted and fished all my life, most times all alone miles from people, but occationally I will sense some anxiety. I honestly did not know what it was until I read these books and put one and one toghther. Sometimes I will feel a like my chest is tightening, and the air is thick, other times I will have to have a bowel movement. I always thought I was just not feeling well, but looking back; I think it was a sub-consious response to realizing I was all alone. Usually this only happens in areas I am less familar with. I have places that are miles off the beaten path that I have gone to for years, and I feel nothing of being there alone.
One time last year I was hunting in a new area, and hadn't told anyone where I was going (Stupid I know) It was when I realized that I hadn't told anyone that I started to have a mini panic attack. I just sat down and started hunting and concentrating on where I thought deer would come in from. I knew I had Water, Fire, sil-tarp, and a few Clif bars. I could stay there for a couple days no problem, but the feeling was still there. I would set for an hour or so, then move 1/4 mile or so back toward my truck, and sit down again. Once I got about 1/3 of a mile from the truck, the feeling stopped. Keep in mind I was not lost, I had a GPS and two compasses, lol grin
I have never felt this when with another person, and I don't think it is an acute fear, more of an unsettling feeling. I just think it's weird that crazy I am 36 and just now am figuring this out. So, now that we have established I am a head case; how do I fix this?

Edited by Run2The9 (05/01/07 06:34 PM)