Originally Posted By: benjammin
I been thinking real hard about taking my bankroll and heading out to the boonies myself.

Not me.

I would rather stay fully integrated in the grid (Electric, Financial, Social, etc.) where I can afford to buy & store away the tools (guns/ammo, canning equipment, etc.) that would allow me to transition to the late 1800's only if/when that becomes necessary.

I do undertand that the rat race can consume you and that is why some yearn for the old days. But for me the answer is properly managing the rat race instead of running from it.

And the medical that you mention is a good enough reason to stay in the high tech world...

Even though an EMP blast might knock us out for a while - if you can survive it we will definitely come out the other side. The knowledge of how technology works will not be lost & we humans are a very creative bunch when our backs are against the wall.