This is why I go so big on my EDC. It covers most of my bases and is always on me. Some Highlights:
AMK Heetsheet
Brinkman 3w LED
Inniva Microlight
LM c301
LM Blast
Sparklight & Tinder
AM/FM radio

I actually EDC a lot more than this, so this is just a sampling.

Then, wherever I go, I always have my PSK near by, by habit, which basically fits in this fanny pack/shoulder bag . This supplements my EDC. Some of the things it has is a TMR Storm Shelter, Fixed blade, food, water, etc, etc, etc.

Between my EDC and my PSK, I have pretty substantial capabilities, not to mention that each of my vehicles have pretty elaborate kits embedded throughout.

My BOB is at home, as well as my INCH bag, as well as SIP supplies.

As for telling people, the people that get to know you well will know that you are some sort of "boy scout" or "gadget guy", which is not too bad. Conversations about long term capabilities I really do not start up, but the tools I whip out everyday are sort of unavoidable.

And furthermore about chaching BOBs everywhere, I too would say that it is costly, and money could be better spend on increasing capabilities.. My BOBs are in lines with the "concentric rings" or "layering" theories meaning that they provide some redundancy, but more than anything, the as I go from EDC to PSK to vehicle kits to BOB to INCH, I am talking about increased capabilities.
EDC, Mini PSK, PSK, Fishing PSK, Diaper Bag Kit, Portable Office, Vehicle Kit (X2), 72 Hour Kit, 7 Day Kit, SIP Kit and a Kit-Kat. Oh yeah, and a FAK (X10). Now where did I put the Tums?