Now Blast you should know better than to act like that your a maried man with a family! Now me Being single and all, Christina you can just forward all the above requested pictures to me.

Ah, being married to a stunner equal in beauty to Christina I have no need of the photos for anything other than to scientifically decide "ridiculous" or "Chicka chicka boom boom awoooo awooo hubba hubba shiver". They could reside safely in my possesion for strict academic research. You on the other hand, being single and having many a night in strange cities...why, the mind recoils at the thought of what may happen! No, it is definately best for everyone if I be the sole examiner of said pictures.

Respectfully to all,
Foraging Texas
Medicine Man Plant Co.
DrMerriwether on YouTube
Radio Call Sign: KI5BOG
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