Claiming that handguns are only "for killing people" is wrong, but even if it wasn't, so what? I know it is unfashionable in certain circles to take responsibility for one's own defense. We are presumably expected to leave such matters in the hands of the government. This attitude is apparently even more pervasive across the pond, where self defense, particularly with a weapon of any sort, is frequently considered a criminal act. I sincerely hope we are not headed in the direction of Scotland, where they are--I kid you not--about to ban most swords in the vain hope that it will somehow make them safer.

You are absolutely right about not wanting to own a gun without the proper training, and the mindset to use it. But I'll bet you'll be surprised at just how much fun shooting can be. Get somebody you know with a .22 rifle or pistol who is proficient to take you to the range. Or have your CCW instructor do it. Unless I miss my guess you'll be hooked. smile