Thanks!!! I once did something similar, and the spooks were in a parked RV, in a park about 300 yards down Hwy A1A, from my house, for about 4 weeks. It took them a week to get there.
We snuck up to the rear of the RV, after dark, and listened. They were monitoring 3 or 4 homes. We could clearly hear the music coming from my house.
We noticed the RV from the beginning because it stayed parked in a restricted park where public access was allowed during daylight hours only. Obviously the Air Police dog/beach patrols weren't bothering them, so something was up. My stereo speakers had been turned toward the RV for 3 weeks by the time we came up behind it and listened in.
I don't want to play that game anymore!!! It caused me a great deal of trouble and had several serious ramifications....
The best luck is what you make yourself!