My question is if the advocates of got their way and a law was passed to ban all “fire arms”, what do you think would actually happen?
1. 90% of law-abiding citizens would comply with the law.
2. 0.1% of criminals would comply with the law.
3. In most of the large metropolitan areas of the country crime would show only a modest increase
3. Crime would measurably increase in all other areas.
4. Violent crimes specifically involving knives would skyrocket across the country while those involving guns would remain constant.
5. There would be calls for banning sharp pointy-tipped knives.
6. Sharp, pointy-tipped knives would be banned.
7. 90% of law-abiding citizens would turn in their knives.
8. 0.1% of criminals would comply with the law.
9. The political party currently controlling Congress and the Presidency (pick one) would establish laws that prohibit criticizing the government.
10. Violent crimes involving knives and guns would remain constant, while those involving baseball bats would skyrocket.
11. There would be calls for banning baseball bats.
12. Baseball bats (and therefore baseball) would be banned.(No big deal. After all, soccor is just so much more egalitarian, isn't it?)
13. While they were at it, football and boxing would be banned as well (too violent.)
14. The Bill of Rights to the US Constitution would be scrapped in favor of a new UN Declaration on Group Rights. After all, who needs individual rights? Only group rights matter in the new Utopia.
15. Violent crimes specifically involving frying pans would skyrocket......