Originally Posted By: Susan
"I am fortunate that I live in a state where publicly funded colleges are not allowed to ban the carry of firearms by people who are licensed to do so. A fairly recent law, and long overdue IMO."

I've never heard that. Which state is it?

I live in Utah. The University of Utah, the state's largest public school, tried to ban concealed carry by permit holders. In response the legislature passed a law stating that, in effect, only they have the right to make gun laws. The University sued and lost. Now, the only place on campus that you cannot carry is in professor's offices and some dorm rooms, all of which must be posted. That was a bone the legislature threw them to get them to drop all further suits. It's a compromise I can live with.

Utah's other large school, BYU, can still ban CCW because they are a private institution. I don't know if they actually do so though.