Hmmm... I carry StarKist Tuna (in pouches) in both my backpack and vehicle as an emergency food source.
Found the information below on the StarKist website:
Q. What is the shelf-life of StarKist® Canned Tuna?
A. Unopened StarKist® canned tuna has a recommended shelf-life of up to four years, provided the product has been stored under normal conditions and the can is not dented or damaged.
As of January 2004 we have begun printing a “Best By” Date on cans of StarKist® Tuna. However, for cans without a “Best By” Date, you can use the manufacturing code information to tell whether the can is still within the recommended shelf-life. This code is printed or embossed on the lid or bottom of the can and consists of two rows of letters and numbers. Please look at the second, or bottom row of the code. The bottom row ends with a letter of the alphabet, which stands for the year in which the product was packed. The letter “M” means the tuna was packed in 2003, the letter “L” means the tuna was packed in 2002, and the letter "K" means the tuna was packed in 2001.
Q. What is the shelf-life of the StarKist Flavor Fresh Pouch® and StarKist Tuna Creations™?
A. Unopened StarKist® Tuna in a Pouch has a recommended shelf-life of 3 years, provided the pouch is not damaged and the product has been stored under normal conditions.
As of January 2004 we have begun printing a “Best By” Date on StarKist® Tuna Pouches. However, for pouches without a “Best By” Date, you can use the manufacturing code information to tell whether the product is still within the recommended shelf-life. This code is printed on the back of the pouch, near the middle section, and consists of a series of letters and numbers. The last letter in the code stands for the year in which the product was packed. The letter “M” means the tuna was packed in 2003; and the letter “L” means the tuna was packed in 2002.