College students carrying guns to class.

Now that image disturbs me.

College-aged students (early twenties) are still adolescents developmentally; easily getting passionately swept up in emotion and group/mob mentality.

Most are still in the process of developing impulse control and delaying gratification. That's part of the college education process.

Learning to set priorities, plan ahead, putting off what one wants to do at the moment in order to achieve a goal.

Which part of the football stadium has more fights; the student section or the one where the "adults" sit?

The image of the American old west where everyone was carrying guns where ever they went is a romantic one but unrealistic.

The population density now is exponentially greater now than during that time.

If my memory is correct, wasn't it Bat Masterson (old west gun slinging "hero") that outlawed carrying guns in the town where he was sheriff in order to establish order?

(I would humbley ask any historian to correct my facts, please.)

The great truth of the universe is sh*t happens.

No amount of fire-power is going to change that, and there are more what-if's than stars in the sky.

What happened at VT was and will continue to be unbelievably tragic, frightening, and to be honest, ticking me off royally.

It is natural for people to want to take some simple desisive action to eliminate what is scaring or ticking us off, but action taken out of fear and anger always creates more problems.

Remember, anger narrows and intensifies one's focus which makes it harder to see what's around one.

For now, it's best to grieve, hold our loved ones close and make big decisions when we have calmed down and thought things through.

Just for the record, I know the police can't be everywhere, and I still trust my safety to a police officer than a civilian carrying a gun.

samhain autumnwood