garland posted a review on Horml meals on the long-term preparedness forum 04/12/2007 @ 12:22PM. Check it out. This looks like a good possibility.
Thanks for the suggestion -- I always try to do a search before starting a new topic and glanced at this thread. I haven't seen that product line, but we do have Hormel canned chili, which is good enough to eat in non-emergency situations. Has anyone actually kept a tin can of food in their trunk all summer, then eaten it (and lived to tell about it)? The advantages of Hormel chili are ziptop lids, and since we eat it occasionally, we could rotate it out of active duty to the kitchen.
And to clarify one point mentioned above, in this case I'm planning more for the "unexpected night out" rather than "being stranded in death valley for a couple of weeks". If I were going on any extended trips, I'd take along a more proper B.O.B. in true Equipped fashion.
So, my focus here is readily available, inexpensive, palatable food choices that can take 5 months of periods of intense heat in the trunk of a car. I would definitely eat them by then, or toss them - so it just needs to be safe, not immortal
Thanks again for all the suggestions...