I have worked with FEMA on a few occasions over the last 15 years. Pre-Katrina there job was basically to coordinate multiple agencies in multiple jurisdictions when the problem was too big for any one municipality/county/state to handle. And they were pretty darn good at it. About the only equipment they owned was some communication gear.
This is the result of the last two years of federal/state/local politicians pointing fingers instead of trying to fix the problem.
This should make you feel real comfortable.
http://www.fema.gov/media/archives/2007/040207.shtmI think Katrina has given us some unintended consequences. It used to be that the local first-responders handled a problem until it got too big, then they would call in the county/parish, who would then call in the state, who would then call in the feds, depending on the size of the disaster.
In blaming the federal government for Katrina, have the local and state governments now ceded authority/control to the feds in any size emergency, enabling the feds to ride into town and take over regardless of whether they are wanted or needed?
Lessons learned:
1. Appoint agency heads based on qualifications instead of patronage.
2. Political types get out of the way and let the first responders and relief agencies do what they know how to do.
3. Don't order 40 million dollars worth of MREs unless you have warehouse space for 40 million dollars worth of MREs, just so you can say, "look, we're prepared."