Oh dear me, if I toss an empty enbloc clip on a rock and duplicate the 'ping' I can pick off most of the platitudes posted as easily as the poor german who thinks my M1 is empty. Was I alone in paying attention to the old COMBAT! series? Curling up with a video of Kurt Russell leading the Wolverines to Victory is well and good, but those same Soviets took how long to overwhelm the Ukraine, a nation with a long tradition of personal arms? The only ruskies anybody in the US of A is going to encounter is Tatiana the mail order bride in a far deadlier SUV without even People's Glorious Tractor Factory #5 driving experience. All weapons are potentially lethal. Good or bad, thats why they're called weapons.Look at the junk used by the majority of presidential assassins. We love to yodel down opponents with the swiss as example. Well, suprise, even they are looking at some measure of control with a rise in crime and shooting incidents.And whats all this now about our nail on chalkboard reaction to UK weapon laws? Is it our common history and language, not unlike discovering a close relative is gay or mentally defective and fearing contagion? People, this is a old, and at best wearisome social argument, and dragging out equally worn anecdotes and mythologies equally threadbare. Lets at least keep it civil in the forum. If I 've failed to insult anybody, I apologise.