As for the Enfield rifle, I do actually regard it to be more deadly than even the fully automatic assault rifles (AR15s and M16 derivatives, licenses required I believe from previous responses on this thread) issued to the US army soldiers. This is because it is a much more capable weapon and when used in the right hands, therefore much more lethal.

Then according to your criteria the Garand, the Mauser, and even the venerable '03 Springfield are all more "lethal" as well, since they are, in one way or another, superior to the Enfield. Yet none of these fine rifles are still standard issue anywhere that I am aware of--at least among countries claiming better than a 3rd rate military. As much as I love my No. 4 Mk III, I still consider it a backup to my A-Bolt, my SKS, and my 03A3. And if I had the dough to buy an M-16 or AK-47, it would slide even farther down the list.

I know this going to make some mad but here goes - With regard to the swiss anti-aircraft gun point - I think I remember in 2003 Iraqi invasion that a local Iraqi farmer shot down a US Apache helicopter gun ship with a Lee Enfield .303 Mk4.

On the contrary, thanks for the chuckle. Was this one of "Baghdad Bob's" reports? grin grin grin

Edited by norad45 (04/06/07 05:16 PM)