Keep in mind that Iran is still being needlessly backed into a corner by the US. Most informed sources believe the reason for taking the brits was to send the US/UK a message that they can push back and to possibly work out a trade for the 5 Iranians captured (inside a diplomatic mission within Iraq) by US forces. Not necessarily an immediate trade mind you, that would make it too obvious. But I wouldn't be surprised if the captured Iranians are released (with little media attention) in the coming weeks or maybe a month or two. It was also a well manuvered publicity event to make the Iranian government look benevolent, flexible, etc. In contrast to the secret prisons and rendition program run by the US, this capture and release makes the Iranians look like the red cross. There's a lot more to even this story i'm sure, but the complexity of this one event is a great example that nothing happening in the middle east right now is simple. And it surely can't be summed up in a 5 minute sound bite on CNN, Fox, ABC, etc. The US mainstream media is atrocious. In my opinion the story getting the most attention recently shouldn't have been about the 15 sailors, but about the head of Iran's central bank announcing that they are planning to stop pricing their oil in US dollars. They would be the first major oil producing country to do so in over 30 years (besides Iraq in 2003). Thats what we should really be worried about.