Extremely religious, but not a nut. By our standards, "crazy" becuase his wold view is fairly alien to our own in the West, but consistant. This gives him good PR at home and abroad, but I think he blinked. Three carrier groups within a few days steaming time and some of the boys from Whitman are playing games at Diego again. The Brits are moving ships in as well. And they torqued off everyone with that stunt, even the Russians and ChiComs. He doesn't think like we do, but he's not stupid, now is not the time to play rough.

Remember, Hitler was Time's "Man of the Year" once for not only pulling Germany out of a thier part of the depression, but for being "reasonable" by backing Chamberlain into a corner and winning the staring contest.

As for Iran's connection to the Lebenon/Hezbollahstan mess and Syria, there are layers upon layers and could fill volumes.

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.