I read several versions of this incident, but none of them seemed to agree. Some said the woman fell and the cadet dived in after her, some say both were drunk as skunks, some say it was just an accident because they were "goofing around". One version said both were retrieved fully clothed. It
is funny that only the guy got the jellyfish stings, though, isn't it?
Here's one version:
http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/11493533/detail.htmlThey were lucky they were in the Gulf of Mexico, rather than the Gulf of Alaska.
Lesson: Don't get so naked/drunk/stupid that you fall off a cruise ship. And you might want to keep your clothes on, as they might protect you a bit from the jellyfish stings. Also, you're going to be the star in a lot of videos if the Coast Guard has to hoist you out of the water all starkers in daylight.
p.s., Don't they teach Air Force cadets about gravity?