Neat case, though it doesn't look water proof. Are you putting the items IN the ziplock bag(s)? so as to reduce their chance of getting wet?

I second the idea of putting in some kind of water purification; never hurts to be thorough and it is an item of importance.

The LED hedband is a nice touch though it may be a bit large for a PSK; do you carry a small LED job on your keychain as EDC as well?

I notice alot of fishing stuff in the kit, is this a recreational PSK? smile

Personally I'd try to make some room to include:
- Emergency blanket
- Water purification tabs (mp1 work good for a kit like this)
- HD foil

You might consider putting the 'vitals' in this kit and adding a fanny pack or something with the niceties in it (such as a steel cup, the led hedband, fishing kit, etc).

Just my 2 cents wink
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