Great ideas.

The kids have already added their personal items as well as personalized their packs.

A trash bag has also been added since the initial set up.

Funny thing is I was just talking to my daughter (the older one) several days ago when she brought up the topic of her pack. I forget all the details, but the one thing I wanted to do was to add a fanny back or a belt pouch kit that would always be on their persons so they still have some basic items even if they ditch their packs.

This was supposed to start off as a fanny pack kit, but I found the bright yellow kid sized backpacks at not too much more than the best price I found for fanny packs, so I bought the packs instead. The good part is they ended up with way more gear which they use regularly.

I really wanted to add a camera, but couldn't find a digital camera with removable memory for the price of a disposable. These kids like to take pictures and they take pretty darn good ones. My kids regularly use my cameras and they are careful with them and the pictures are good.