"...if it's a slow enough progression..."

Some beekeepers have lost 25% of their bees, some have lost 90%. Some haven't lost any. Everyone seems in a panic about the honeybees, but are any other kinds of bees being affected? And if they aren't, why not?

A rather odd addition to the equation: colony collapse disorder is also a problem in Spain and Poland, but not England, France, Italy, Germany... so far. One thing that came to my mind (possibly incorrect): America and Spain are both into GM crops. England has forbidden them, and the European Agricultural Union apparently tried them but the people won't buy GM crops.

The more I read about GM crops, the scarier it looks. Apparently, it has been clearly proven that the DNA from GM crops can be absorbed by ingesting a single meal of the crop, AND it can be acquired from inhaling the pollen or working with the crop during processing.

Here's a letter regarding GM crops that is very interesting, "Open Letter from World Scientists to All Governments":

IOW, GM crops = our tax dollars at work.
