I just wanted to say Thank You to my good friend, Charlie.
I know he doesn’t read this forum but I just needed to say something publicly.
Charlie is great fried who I met at a nature center about 30+ years ago. He was a counselor and I was camper and have been friends ever since. He has taught me much.
I have been Cubmaster (Cub Scouts) and am also now a new assistant Scoutmaster (Boy Scouts). I share what I have leaned from him with the Scouts.
Recently Charlie and I were talking about being lost in the woods and what gear I have my children carry with them and the discussion turned to whistles and how important they are.
He asked it all the Scouts had them, I said no and asked me what it would take to get them all a decent whistle. I did some quick math and he donated the funds. So now I can get all of the Cub Scouts and Boys Scouts a Fox 40 Howler. Soon 49 Scouts will have their own whistle.
I just wanted to say publicly (don’t know why) - thanks Charlie.
thanks for listening,