"1) DR says to avoid milk-carton water containers (flimsy, tops pop off, organic material if using milk containers). I'm wondering, since they have 1 gal. containers of water with screw tops, is this advice still 'valid?' I only ask because 2 of these containers nicely fit into my bag. "

I agree with DR. FWIW, I avoid using those plastic water containers for any kind of water storage, now, having proven to myself over and over that they break down and leak VERY easily, messing up everything they soak into. If I'm going to use store-bought water jugs, in the car for example, they rest in either a plastic bucket of some sort.

Our BOBs have a mix of ready to eat, dehydrated, and MRE stuff. Cans of Vienna sausages, MRE crackers, MRE entrees, cans of fruit - that sort of stuff...