And yet these problems, which seem so insurmountable to you, were surmounted by not only the US but eventually also the Soviet Union and the European Space Agency. Or are you suggesting that the various unmanned missions, to the moon and elsewhere, were all faked? After all, they would have experienced the same "navigational problems" faced by the manned missions.
Comparing the Apollo project to the Concorde project is laughable. The Apollo program was driven by what was seen at the time as military necessity. NASA had access to resources that the builders of the Concorde could only dream about. And comparing the Concorde to a "US fighter" is apples and oranges. If you are going to do that, try comparing it to the SR-71 Blackbird. That's real performance.
This statement caught my interest:
I will not comment on the films and pictures purporting to show US astronauts on the Moon as references about the authenticity to these are already common knowledge with regard to the numerous anomalies.
Just out of curiosity, what "anomalies" are you referring to in the above statement? (I know, I know, but I just can't help myself...)