New species of animals are constantly being discovered and recorded.
An example a prehistoric fish called the Coelacanth. This goes to show that animals which appear in the fossil record are still around today. Yet when observations of "mythical animals" are made by even well known highly experienced climbers and scientists they are quickly dismissed as suffering from hallucinations.

That is precisely the problem with using the example of the Coelacanth to argue for the possible existance of the Sasquatch: the Sasquatch appears nowhere in the fossil record whereas the Coelacanth is well documented. To be sure, there were large primates such as Gigantopithecus, but none of them were bipedal. I don't dismiss sightings of such creatures as hallucinations. To me they seem more along the lines of wishful thinking. Kind of like flying saucers.

Some may say it is simply a man in an ape suit but after looking at the video many many times all I can conclude is that the fakery is many many times more sophisticated than even the moon landing video clips and photographs.

I may regret asking this, but are you suggesting that the moon landings were faked?