Greetings Ladies and Gents,

Wilderness = home. At least in the sense that is where we come from. Just as folks that live in rural settings have a different view then the urbanite, our urbanization and conveniences have made home look foreign to us. Not so many generations ago, the skills common to even a child, today would be attributed to a "survival expert".

I am more interested in learning "woods craft or woodsmanship" then I am survival. Survival to me connotes a struggle to survive, an adversarial relationship with a nature that is actively trying to kill you.
Woods craft is the knowledge base of the old ones. It was sustainable and allowed them to live as part of their environment, not foreign to it.
To my mind this knowledge converts a "survival" situation into just setting up house keeping. And to me studying this stuff, is just plain cool. Regards, Jim

Edited by aligator (03/24/07 09:39 PM)