Has anyone had or experienced the terrifying feeling felt when being close to a Yeti, Sasquatch (Big foot) type creature. These are completely irrational utterly terrifying feelings of fear and panic whilst camping , walking, hunting on either wooded trails or whilst in the high mountains. Although I have mentioned Am Fear Liath Mòr '
Big Grey Man of Ben Macdui in a joking manner, whilst in the Scottish Mountains between two high desolate plateau mountains called Broad Cairn and Cairn Bannoch during the middle of the night I could here what seemed like very large slow footsteps circling my position. Normally this would not concern me. Some other people just mucking about. Only this time though I was consumed with an absolutely terrifying feeling of irrational fear to the point I could not move. These feelings are described in much the same way by the Professor and much noted climber John Norman Collie. Only the option of running away like the Professor was not an option as it was a night so dark and yet strangely enough the direction I would have most probably taken off in would have taken me over some shear cliffs. Take it from me irrational fear does not normally take hold and yet I am willing to state, like John Norman Collie this event was the most terrifying event I can recall. I now have an open mind about the claims of sightings of such hominid relics from the past such as the Sasquatch and Yeti.