IT's always wise to be safe but i have found from many years
of experence that coleman lamps and stoves are very safe when
used with even modicum of care..i lived in a wood heated
cabin for almost 26 years and fired up a coleman many times..
this was no tar paper shack by the had a big hot tub
and a wonderful stereo system..anyway..i turned off the lights
and lit a lamp many times just for "mood" lighting and more
than a few when winter storms brought branchs down on my
power lines..i would say that the chance of a blow-up are
so small as not to be concerned about any more than the gas
tank of you car cooking off..maybe..could happen..but not
something you think about every time you get in your car..
if you have kids around the house you will have to show some
sense about where and how you use a gas lamp..fumes?? never
a problem with me..sometimes when a lamp was lit i let it flare
up a bit and i had a gas smell inside for a bit but thats all.
blow-ups and fires result from wrong fuel being used,,gas in a
kero lamp/stove..or sloppy's like the knives
and guns..just be a grown-up and relax..


Edited by CANOEDOGS (03/23/07 12:24 AM)