I sleep well enough most nights regardless of the location, so long as I have my hand near my Glock or My Super Redhawk. This was not the case in Baghdad, though. You don't stop mortar rounds with a .44 mag.
One of the blokes here told me a story about being out in a swag one night and having a pack of hogs come through the camp. He woke up to the gentle nudging/rooting of one of the big sows trying to get into his swag with him apparently. He said he felt lucky she spooked instead of charged him, cuz there was piglets in the mob. He'd have been a lot happier to have had his hands on a gun or a big knife then, too. He said he darned near messed his swag (putting it in milder terms) when he popped his head out and was eye to eye with a 300 kg hog.
I never sleep very heavy anymore, even in my own bed in my home. It must be that silverback thing I reckon.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)