My genious son is very lazy !! Although the word doesnt describe him accurately. I almost feel guilty saying (lazy) about him. I know he is a good boy, but sometimes he doesnt jump to help me when I need him . I have to ASK him and then he would come to help. And if his brotehr or sister ask he will be whining and compalining all the time (but that is a typical teenager behaviour isnt it ?).

At times he would take some chores and finish them non-stop. Mostly if he is doing it alone. But many times he wont come out with us in the car for a fun ride. As Kenk has put it he does not excel in football or other such activities ( he does not even excel in taking dishes to the kitchen sink without breaking one or two). However, the main factor that will make him decide to go with us or stay home seems to be how much fun the activity will be. If I ask him to go to a car showroom, he will jump in his pajamas, but if I ask him to come with us to a hardware store , he will drag his feet, and without eye contact will reluctantly announce he is not going. Same for camping and other activities.

In general, he doesnt like to go anywhere where he thinks he will be working hard or the area isnt fun for him. That is regardless of the fact that his parents may need his help (even to select materials and colors for his own room). I have to tell him and explain that we NEED him there to help us.

I love my kid and surely want to believe the expectations of several posters who said he would be OK when he is older.

Thanks evryone