my $0.02.
my wife's eldest son (25 yrs) may have a.s. - he's never been diagnosed, but the symptoms sure do fit. as do what you have all indicated re: chisel's son.
i think all of the advice is sound - and part of any solution is the identification of the 'problem' as soon as possible.
would second the recommendation to have his iq tested and have him seen by a psychologist. then you may know what you are dealing with. and if it is a.s. - there's nothing to do - it is what it is. and your son can read, study all he wants to help him understand himself. he can be at ease with who he may be - different, but aren't we all? and that's part of growing up.
i suspect he's really bright. and could excel at anything he sets his mind to. like penguins. or astrophysics.
i know my step-son sure is smarter than me. good on him!
good luck w/your little man.
“Everyone should have a horse. It is a great way to store meat without refrigeration. Just don’t ever get on one.”
- ponder's dad