After reading some real life experiences some of you posted on this forum ("after-disasters reports" ...), I decided to upgrade my medium term preparations.
I already have enough stuff for 72 hours or a bit more, but I'm rather un-prepared in the longer term, let's say one or two weeks.
First concern : light.
I will upgrade my batteries stock to supply my various electric lights (flashlights, head lights, Krill lights, etc...)
But I think non electric lanterns would be good for longer periods of use and for area lighting.
My local Ourdoor/Camping shops offer different types of lantern, from very cheap oil lanterns to expensive white gas Coleman lanterns.
I guess I will choose something in the mid-range (price and power ..) : propane lanterns.
I will certainly buy two or three
Campingaz Lumostar M270 lanterns, along with 10 gas cartridges.
My choice is based on comparison with the other lanterns :
- not very expensive
- easy to use
- easily stored gas cartridges, with long shelf-life, which is my main reason for choosing propane.
+ I will also buy one
Bleuet 270 Micro stove, using the same gas (a mix of propane and butane (right now, I only have a Tangria stove + a few penny stoves, and some paraffin wax (or stuff like that...) stoves.
So, am I missing something or is this a good choice ? Any inconvenient I forget to think about ?