I don't give out handouts in the street. My children & I spent yesterday evening helping provide dinner and a place to sleep for some wonderful homeless people from a nearby large town.

Once a week my local church hosts homeless folks for the night. Last night there were about 38 souls there. We feed them dinner, give them a safe warm place to sleep, give them a place to shower & cleanup, and then feed them breakfast before busing them back to the area where they came from. Most of the dinners are donated lunchtime "left-overs" from nearby schools. It is really quite good food.

Most of them are decent people who are just down on their luck. About half are the same people coming back week after week. Some are new faces. A few weeks back there were 8 children spending the night there. Last night there was only one set of kids - a 5 year old boy and his 18 month old sister.

My children & I treat them with the utmost of respect - as we would want to be treated if we were staying the night there.