I would absolutely not avoid wood firepistons as they are very smooth and work exceptionally well. I live where it is damp enough and these simply do not have any issues with swelling. Here are my others made by Darrel Aune.
This one a handdrill version with bone ember pick.
A better look at the pick:
The O-ring version, a simpler version to maintain but not quite as fun.
And the family with the two from Darrel and the one from Jeff.
I have the best luck using tinder fungus to make an ember and then transferring it to a piece of char for my cedar tinder nest.
While I do not carry these as my first choice for an essential fire, I do carry and use for the absolute fun and amazement of making a fire by compression.
The new shirt pocket version with firesteel looks sort of interesting too. I may have to add one of those. I also have one of the lexan versions but it works much less reliably than my Cocobolo ones.