Zilch. There used to be a HUGE problem with panhandlers at my local shopping mall, until mall security stepped things up, put up signs, and drove the offenders off. In two seperate incidents, one man, who had a cup of change in one hand and a small jerry can in the other, actually tried to jump through my open driver's side window while I was pulling out of the mall, demanding money for gas. He promptly got my window scraper, which I keep stored in the backseat of my car in warmer weather, right to the face.

Another time as I was exiting the mall another man grabbed my arm. A complete and total stranger grabs my arm, demanding a ride to the nearest recruiting station. If you want something from a complete stranger, wouldn't it be better to just say, "Pardon me", or, "I hate to bother you, but could I have a moment of your time?", or even better, "Hey buddy, could you help out your fellow man?"

I prompty told the man to let go of my arm or Uncle Sam wouldn't take him because of the stump he'd pull back. I thank my lucky stars often that he did let go and leave me alone.

Panhandlers get nothing in my book. Period. Not to say that I don't care, I'm just watching my own butt. You can never be too careful these days.