"... in a case of large scale natural disaster, a sizable chunk of the population in certain areas of the country are going to be carrying weapons. I can further guarantee you that a goodly percentage of them may be wearing camo..."

From a law enforcement standpoint, in a large scale disaster of any kind, you can expect the bad guys to be out in force (that is why the good guys would be armed, right?), and to a peace officer, a man with a gun is a man with a gun. So both good and bad camo'd gun carriers can expect to be looking down the barrels of the badge carrying good guys guns until the good can be picked out from the bad.

"...Surely you have had sufficient training and/or experience to help you to differentiate between lawfully armed citizens and a genuine threat?..."

Exactly how does one tell a good guy in camo carrying a gun from a bad guy in camo carrying a gun? By first taking the gun away from him, making sure he is no longer a threat of any kind (that often means handcuffs), and spending valuable time trying to get thru on a badly overloaded radio system (assuming it still works), so the dispatcher, in between answering 911 calls and dispatching officers here and there, can run the gun carrying guy thru the computer system (assuming that still works). A lot of this will of course depend on the location. What scares the heck out of people in Los Angeles might be taken as the norm in rural Colorado...