Gents, My thoughts are as stated, Blend in with your environment. If its urban/suburban then durable non disrupt street clothes. In an evacuation, you do not want to draw the attention of the bad guys or the good guys, You want to be the "Gray Man" that nobody remembers seeing.

Why would I not want to be found? Depends on the scenario, but I can think of a few in which it would be advantageous to disappear in the forest, and remain there indefinitely. In the woods, I prefer basic OD/khaki's,browns, for the express purpose of not being confused with an official, or bad guy. Anyway, if you spend enough time there, the basic colors begin to blend with the environment ( kind of like a black aide bag in the Persian Gulf, soon its not black any more.

I always try to buy my clothing as my first layer of shelter. Bring a sewing kit and the skills to use it, take care of your clothes because replacements may be hard to come by. Regards, Jim