Originally Posted By: Lasd02

The funny thing is, if someone else had posted this info not too long ago, I too would have disagreed. This information comes from a credible source (Wilderness Medicine Newsletter), and seems to be up to date (2/14/07).

"... The idea that we lose heat faster through our scalp, because of the constant blood supply to the brain, is simply a myth. (One that I personally have believed for many years.)"

Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht, PHD

As someone else said, it may not make your feet feel warmer, but a hat will help prevent heat loss from your head. Doc Gordon is no different than other scientists who claim, DESPITE the overwhelming majority f the scientific institution and historical facts developed by that institution, that global warming is man-made and we can do something about it.

In other words, a person with credentials who makes a claim that goes against the remaining scientific community's findings is probably the person you DON'T want to listen to.... let alone quote as your source for facts.