If anything was ever made perfectly clear by katrina it's DONT BECOME A REFUGEE. Plan ahead a way out and a place to go, find a state park or campground that you can pitch a tent and camp out anything but stay at a shelter run by any .gov branch or red cross. You will be stuck with people you dont know anything about the guy next to you could be a convicted murderer or child rapist or welfare bum or aids and tb infected psyco for all you know and as the old saying goes ya gotta sleep sometime. If you take medication it may be confiscated by whoevers in charge for the greater good, that goes for food and personal items also. You could wake up and half your stuff or your wife or kids missing. I know some people that worked in the shelters that katrina people were evacuated to here in San Antonio and they all said they would never subject themselves to that ever again, everything from people demanding diffrent food to the fact that men and boys or women and girls never went to the bathrooms alone for safety sakes. If I cant stay where I'm at then I'll pick the place I go and will feel safe and secure at.