Being somewhat of a skeptic myself I'm encouraged to see many of you holding my feet to the fire on this as these issues are potentially matters of life and death, but I ask you to meet the same standard you are holding me to. If my source was an article from the Assistant Sports Editor of The Podunk Times then I would expect to be questioned and doubted, but this is a well established, highly professional group of wilderness medicine experts, if we don't believe these guys, who can we believe? Please don't tell me, "The USCG has always taught...", or "Generations of experience and science have shown..." How about some links to sites and/or comparable experts that show up-to-date research and results? Of course "experts" often disagree, should we then throw out all "expert advice" and go by instinct alone?

You may not like the results, but I've shown you "my" experts and research, I apologize to all the non-poker players, but I'm calling the table, show me what you've got.